Struggling to keep track of rent payments for your rental property?

Rent Managed supports landlords who want to self-manage their rental property but who just need a little bit of help.

With Rent Managed, we'll keep track of all your rent payments, freeing up your time so you can focus on other important things in your life. And, most importantly, you’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that everything is taken care of when it comes to your rental property.

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How does it work?

When you use our Rent Managed service we'll collect the rent from your tenants on your behalf.

We'll issue a receipt for the rent and hold it in our trust account till we do our statement run. 

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What are the cost?

Our Rent Managed service is provided for a small fixed fee at just a fraction of the cost of traditional property management.   

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Did you know that tenants who are renting a self-managed property tend to have difficulty finding their next rental home?

That's because there's a certain amount of distrust about the bona-fides of the references and rental histories provided by landlords who self manage. 

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Stop having those conversations about money that most people find uncomfortable and difficult.

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